Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Objectivity vs. Subjectivity

Western culture emphasizes objectivity and the scientific method of discovering the truth as more valid and reliable than subjective and spiritual access to knowledge. Objectivity is a farce. How many times have we claimed objectivity in the past? Later we realize that we were swimming in a sea of context that made objectivity almost impossible. Oh, but we know better now people would say. The scientific method works well when one is dealing with the physical, but there is a lot more going on in the universe than the manifestation of form, or the physical. What we can experience with the 5 senses is only a fraction of the possibility of knowledge and understanding. Therefore, subjectivity can play an important role in wholistic knowledge. We should not simply 'write off' subjectivity as unreliable or as holding less weight than the illusion of objectivity. We can and should try to be as objective as possible, but being open to the inspiration, listening to the 'gut feelings' that can illuminate the stale and mechanistic approach.

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